
This page is owned by Suomen Postmaster, a finnish software developing company. Here you can find trial versions of our software, mostly postprocessors for Mastercam.

Suomen Postmaster can also provide customized Mastercam version X9 to 2022 postprocessors for 2 to 4 axis Mill, Lathe, Wire or Router, using nearly any control (Fanuc, Heidenhain, Siemens, Acramatic, Num, Mazatrol (ISO only), Haas, etc. etc.) 3+2 axis on Heidenhain control is also (in some very few cases) possible.

Also: datacommunications (MOXA wireless serial ports), Linux server administration, PHP+MySQL applications, internet domains (including .fi), web pages, e-mail services, etc.

Links etc.

CNC Software
Suomen Postmaster
Keskisentie 3 C 34
Ph. +358 50 340 5459, E-mail: (or
Mastercam® is a registered trademark of CNC Software, Inc. All other registered trademarks and trademarks are properties of their respective owners. No trademarks on this site are intended to imply any endorsement by or affiliation with the particular trademark owner.  
(Since 2006-12-30)