This page is owned by
Suomen Postmaster,
a finnish software developing
company. Here you can find trial versions of our software, mostly
postprocessors for Mastercam.
Suomen Postmaster can also provide customized
Mastercam version X9 to 2022 postprocessors
for 2 to 4 axis Mill, Lathe, Wire or Router, using nearly any
control (Fanuc, Heidenhain, Siemens, Acramatic, Num,
Mazatrol (ISO only), Haas, etc. etc.)
3+2 axis on Heidenhain control is also (in some very few cases) possible.
Also: datacommunications (MOXA wireless serial ports),
Linux server administration, PHP+MySQL applications,
internet domains (including .fi), web pages, e-mail services, etc.
Links etc.